Last summer we decided to level Bill's nasty landscaping. We even tied rope around the roots of some bushes and connected the other end to the bumper of Bill's Durango...and then Bill stepped on it and literally RIPPED OUT the bushes! It was one of the coolest things I've ever seen (and heard!). After we removed all the old bushes and tilled up the roots, we enlisted the help of my co-worker and Master Gardner, Ed Coughlin. He designed the new bed and had us cover it with pine bark mulch. In April, Ed helped us design the landscaping and picked out the most awesome plants. Dad helped us plant everything and we think we did a GREAT job. We are very proud of our yard now! When Bill was a single bachelor, he used to get notes from his Homeowners Association, asking him to clean up his unkept yard. NOW we're getting nothing but praise from our neighbors saying how beautiful the yard is! We have the best yard in the neighborhood by far!

Bill just recently celebrated his 34th Birthday. I took him on a trip to the Blue Ridge Mountains where we rode for a few hours on the Blue Ridge Scenic Railway. It was so great and Bill really enjoyed being on a train (he loves trains!). The scenery was beautiful...and we even got to do some shopping in the local stores. Bill wanted me to buy him a $2400 coffee machine for his birthday, but I had to decline. We need to pay the mortgage first. Another of Bill's favorite gifts was a remote control pickup truck I gave him. Bill puts dog treats in the bed and drives it around, harassing Indy! We thought Indy would go after the treat, but instead he runs from the truck as fast as he can...he's TERRIFIED of it! However, Indy's fear makes chasing him with the truck even more fun! We're sick!

We are enjoying being's almost seven months now! We both agree that it's so great to come home from a long day of work and have the one you love waiting for you. Life is great in the O'Neill household, and it just keeps getting better.