We were in the grocery store the other night, just buying random items...when all of a sudden, Kim looked up at Bill and said, "I want PIE." Well, Bill didn't waste one second! He took off for the frozen food aisle like Flash Gordon would have and picked up an apple cobbler in the knick of time. How unselfish of Bill to track down that pie for his wife and how heroic he was to help Kim eat half of it. Yes...as Kim's belly continues to grow, so does Bill's. :-)

We will be delivering our baby at Northside Hospital and recently took a tour of the facility. They call the place "The Baby Factory," and for good reason. Once you're in there, you're pretty much on a 24-48 hour assembly line. They walked us through the process of checking in, birthing and recovering, and boy will that happen fast when the day arrives. They don't keep mothers in the hospital for long periods of time anymore!

We also took our first childbirth preparation class. We learned how to hold, pass, diaper, bathe and swaddle a baby doll. Bill is the official "Team O'Neill Swaddler." He was VERY good at wrapping that little doll up in it's cocoon! Our favorite baby hold is the "football hold," where you hold the baby on the side of your body. It took Bill back to his old High School football days when he was running circles around defenders while diving into the endzone for a touchdown. There will be no spiking our baby, though.

Kim has gained about 32 pounds since January. It's a "little bit" over the recommended amount, but it's not bad. She is starting to experience the whole swelling phenomenon and was woken up this morning at 4am when her hands started puffing up! Her feet are swelling at the end of the day and she is hot most of the time. During the night, Kim has the ceiling fan going at top speed and bed covers off, while Bill suffers with the chill. He wraps himself up in the blankets and shivers himself to sleep! Indy has been following Kim around the house and never lets her leave his sight. He has to know where she is at all times! He has become very protective of "the belly." He'll even run into the nursery to make sure everything is ok in there! It's funny...we think he just "knows" what's going on.

The baby is continuing to grow at an "average" pace, according to the doctor. He doesn't kick as much as he pushes now! He'll get his little feet lodged up in Kim's ribcage and just lay there and push, push, push! Now we can actually "see" him move! He'll squirm around in there and you can actually see body parts shifting from one side of the belly to the other. It is one of the most amazing things to watch and feel.

Kim is headed up for a 10-day vacation in Buffalo (with her parents) where she'll visit with family and friends. Who knows when she'll get to see them again! She'll be spending a lot of time with her Grandmother. Meanwhile, this is Bill's last chance for bachelorhood! He'll stay back and hold down Fort O'Neill by eating crappy foods, drinking beer, playing on the computer and hanging out on the couch in front of the TV!

Bill's sister, Patsy, will be visiting next week and looking for a house. She and her family have made the decision to join us in Georgia! They sold their home and will be moving to the Atlanta around the first week of September. We are VERY excited to have them here with us! Baby O will get to see a lot of his Aunt Patsy, Uncle Tom and cousins Sammy and Tommy and we couldn't be happier.

Kim will continue to work until the last week of August. Then, the plans are for her to "nest" and "rest" before the little one arrives at the end of September.