Well we have a stubborn little boy on our hands. Even after the Doctor "swept the membranes" on our last visit, Baby O has refused to come out. In fact, at our visit yesterday, we were told that Kim hasn't even dilated anymore. She is feeling the signs of prelabor (cramping, tightening, crankiness!), but there have been no concrete contractions that we can time. We even walked the entire mall and ate spicy foods to get things going...but to no avail.

Baby O's due date is actually Sunday (Sept 30), but since Kim has become very uncomfortable (achy, swelled), the Doctor has decided to not let us go much past the due date and we have scheduled an induction for Monday, October 1st. If Baby O doesn't want to come out on his own, we'll force him out! We will check into Northside Hospital (a.k.a. "The Baby Factory") on Sunday night (Bill will sleep over as well) and the process will begin on Monday morning around 5:30am. No one is sure how quickly or how slowly the process will take, so there's no telling when we will finally meet Baby O...but it will be sometime on Monday for sure...that is unless he decides to come out on his own over this weekend. We would LOVE for that to happen and deliver naturally, but given that Baby O has most likely inherited the Munn and O'Neill STUBBORN GENES (a deadly combination!), it's highly unlikely!

Kim was asked yesterday, "What do you think you'll see first? A win by the Buffalo Bills this year or your child being born?" Is it fortunately or unfortunately that she answered, "Our child being born?" :-)

So unless a MIRACLE happens and baby decides to arrive on his own, this will be our last blog entry until his birth on Monday. Bill will be blogging and posting pictures of the event on our gallery page</a>.