On January 23rd, Riley was paid a visit by Aunt Patsy and cousins Sammy and Tommy. It's so great to have them living in Georgia now...the kids can grow up together! Riley really enjoyed their visit and was especially amused by Sammy. It seems that Sammy is the only one that can make Riley belly laugh! During their visit, Sammy asked Riley to "gimme that foot." Riley found this hysterical and began belly laughing for the first time! Kim ran and got the video camera and captured the moment. It was AMAZING! All Sammy had to say was, "gimme that foot!" over and over and over again!

Ever since then, we have been trying to get Riley to laugh like that again but just can't. Sammy has the magic voice and touch!

Another note: Riley rolled over for the first time (from belly to back) on January 22 (this month was filled with lots of firsts!)...but he hasn't done it again since. We just can't get him to do it!

Check out the video</a>!