Riley had his four month checkup yesterday and did great! He is now 17 pounds, 1 ounce, which puts him in the 83rd percentile. Yeah, he's a little "pudgy," but he will thin out once he gets more active. He's in the 45th percentile for height, which is average and in the 87th percentile for head size. He has indeed inherited the big, giant Munn head. His heart and lungs are perfect. He has a bit of excema on his cheeks because he is teething and drooling like a maniac and the wetness is causing the irritation. That's nothing we can't fix with some hydrocortisone! Bill attended the checkup and was the "lucky" one that got to hold Riley down as he got three shots jammed into his thighs. Poor little guy (Riley, that is!). He did well though...he's a tough kid! He didn't cry much and we were very surprised. All in all he is a very healthy young boy and was given the go-ahead to start eating people food!

We tried giving Riley some rice for the first time last night (click for pictures</a>). It was very watered down, so it was like giving him drops of water on a spoon. He was a little hesitant at first and pushed the spoon out with his tongue. We let him suck on the spoon and he actually swallowed some rice and enjoyed it! A lot of it ended up on his bib though...but it was a great first try! We'll keep eating once a day and he'll get the hang of it soon. He sure does enjoy sitting in his high chair. He looks around the kitchen and can't keep his eyes on one thing. His little eyes just shift from one thing to the other. He feels like a big boy by sitting at the table! He's King Riley, sitting on his throne!

Bill found a really cool jumperoo on the internet, so Kim went out and picked it up from Target last night (we're telling Riley it's his gift for being a good boy at the Doctor's). It's a jumping horse and it's absolutely the coolest thing ever (click for pictures</a>)! When Riley (eventually!) jumps up and down in it, the horse squeals and sings and there are running hoof sound effects. As soon as we put him in it this morning, he grabbed the reigns and checked out the horse head. He didn't know what to do with his legs and feet, so he tucked them up underneath him and just hung there. But like everything else, he will figure out how it works and he'll be jumping up and down, up and down, up and down, over and over and over and over and over and over and over again in no time...all while the horse neighs and the music plays. :-)

Oh and by the way, Riley wasn't in the same position Bill put him into bed last night. Nope. He was turned around 90 degrees and his little legs were dangling out through the crib bars...and he was just kicking away with a big smile on his face.