Riley signed up for a gym class at a place called "My Gym" down the street. This place is awesome! Mama and Riley go to the gym every Thursday morning at 9:30am. We meet Kevin's fiance, Jenn and the little girl that she Nanny's, Marley, every week. These two have a BLAST together! The class is an hour long and is run by two fabulous girls, Tannen and Katia. There are about 12 kids in the class altogether; some can walk, others crawl. There is so much stuff for these kids to climb and jump on! Riley loves to climb up the mats, jump on the trampoline and just crawl all around.

Riley is a MANIAC in the gym! He goes from one thing to the other, and fast! Last week he did a handstand and a somersault. This week he refused to hang onto the trapeze (I don't blame him). Mama took some pictures...check out our little crazy man! Click here.</a>