On Saturday, we got up early and headed out for the First Annual O'Neill Christmas Tree Hunt. We decided to go to a place called "Hunter's Christmas Tree Farm" in Alpharetta. There were lots of options for trees, but Bill was dead set on getting the "best smelling tree," which is the Frasier Fir. Unfortunately, they are only grown in the Carolinas and we couldn't cut our own tree down. Hunter's had a whole bunch of Frasiers that were already cut, so we headed in that direction. Bill looked at one tree, picked it up, twirled it and loved it. He said, "This is it!" and that was it. We spent Sunday decorating it and it looks beautiful! The tree is sitting in our living room in front of the window so our neighbors can all be jealous of the GREAT tree we got this year. And guess what? It smells MAGNIFICENT! :-) Check out the latest pictures</a>!