After two years and eight months, Bill had his braces taken off today! I took some time off of work to watch the event and snapped some photos while I was there. It didn't take long to remove the actual braces, it was the scraping of the glue that took the time. Poor Bill was in the orthodontist's chair for well over an hour...and he kept his mouth open the entire time! He was such a good patient...I was very impressed. When he got to run his tongue over his bare teeth for the first time, he was very, very excited. Bill will be fitted for a retainer next week. He will have to wear that full-time for a while, and then only at night when the Doc says it's ok.

The two of us went to lunch at Boston Market after the appointment and Bill was THRILLED that he didn't have to sit at the table for ten minutes and clean the food out of his braces! I can honestly say that Bill will enjoy not having to wear the braces anymore! Corn on the cob, here he comes!