We posted a new video</a> to our site. On Father's Day, Kim's family all got together for brunch to celebrate Father's Day with her Dad. The food was great and Biscuit (Jenny and Brian's Min Pin), wanted a taste. He barked until Mom gave him a sample of some of the fruit. Biscuit also wanted the cookie Mom made (for Dad), and wouldn't quit yelling until Mom gave him a lick of the frosting from her finger. But the taste of human food was just not enough for Biscuit. On a dare from Kimmie and Brian, Kevin attempted to pick the hyper Biscuit up and into his arms...just for fun. We heard Kevin say bravely, "I'm not scared of him!" Soon we learned that Biscuit, also known as The Beast, was looking for more than a small taste of fruit and frosting. The Beast longed for the sweet taste of human flesh.