Kim is on the road this weekend for work so it's Man Weekend! Which to a geek like me means 72 hours of uninterrupted nerd-out time. Yup, I'm a keeper!

Tonight's geek fest included some iTunes cleanup. And I found two funny things worth sharing:

  • Davy Rothbart entertains the audience at Pop!Tech 2005 by sharing the lost or discarded letters, birthday cards, kids' homework, to-do lists and other various scraps that he regularly collects from people all over the country.The thoughts contained in a brief note, or offhand comments scribbled in the margin of a to-do list expose genuine emotions of love, anger, hope, or desperation. There is the defensive note from a mother to her son, the announcement seeking like-minded individuals to join a band or the simple but hilarious note from a son to his dad found at a carnival. These little scraps of paper offer a unique snapshot into the minds of their authors, and provide a powerful sense of who they really are.</li>
  • And one that defies explanation- just trust me on this one!</li>