Believe it or not, one year has gone by and we just celebrated our One Year Wedding Anniversary! Where does the time go? We decided to spend our anniversary on St. Simon's Island, on the coast of Georgia at the King and Prince Hotel. It was beautiful! We had a room that was right off the beach so we could see the ocean from our room. We took a kayaking trip through the marshes and ate lots and lots of seafood. We took the top of our wedding cake to the dining room at the King and Prince and they thawed it for us and presented it to us on a platter, surrounded by red roses. It was breathtaking...and boy did that cake taste good! It tasted just like the day we were married.

We decided to actually MAKE our anniversary gifts since the tradition is "paper." Bill actually made me (edible) fortune cookies with paper fortunes he had written inside! How romantic! I made him a bookmark with pictures of me from a photo booth and a poem (derived from the inscription inside his wedding ring) on it. This was definitely a unique way to celebrate our first anniversary and it meant a lot more to us to make the gifts for each other instead of buying them at a store. There was a lot of thought and love in our gifts to each other.

Our first year together has been nothing but amazing. We love being married (especially to each other!) and we are more in love everyday. It's so amazing how love can only get's the best feeling in the world.

We had a visit from our friends in October and held the Annual Munn Pumpkin Carving Contest while they were in town! Kevin came over to enter his annual submission, but got to compete against a lot more people this year! The competition was fierce, and there were several winners. Carol and Bill were the judges this year and they made some good choices (see pictures). There were no losers...everyone won because a good time was had by all!

Check out the pictures in the gallery!
