A GREAT Thanksgiving was had by all! Bill and I got up early to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade! We had our traditional Dunkin' Donuts, watched Santa enter the scene and then headed over to Mom and Dad's for the day. Dad, Kevin, Bill, myself and even MOM played a heated game of PIG on the driveway basketball court. Kevin was the winner (he was real sneaky with those left-handed baskets). Brian, Jenny and Biscuit arrived at 5pm and we all sat down to a wonderful home-cooked meal that Mom made. It was FANTASTIC! We watched some old home videos and had some wonderful conversations. Mr. and Mrs. Bono came for dessert and boy was everyone STUFFED.

Now we are getting ready for the 2006 Christmas season!

Make sure you check out our Thanksgiving pictures at the bottom of the page!
