Everything is going GREAT at 26 weeks! Kim has been having regular Doctor visits and all checkups are giving good results. We are growing right on schedule! Kim did get a lecture though at her last appointment for gaining too much weight. She's gained 20 pounds so far and the mid-wife wants her to slow down. That will be difficult as she has begun to enjoy eating for two! Kim's cravings have included oranges, ice cream and big, juicy, greasy cheeseburgers!

On Thursday (6.21), the baby was kicking like crazy in the evening, so Kim grabbed Bill's hand and said, "Feel this!" Bill put his hand on the right side of Kim's belly and BOOM! Little O kicked so hard that Bill's hand bounced up and down! It was the coolest thing! So we sat there for a few minutes and watched as Kim's belly went up and down, up and down as the baby kicked his way into our hearts. It was a very special family moment as the three of us felt very close.

The office has finally been cleared out and now there is room for baby to start moving in. We bought a beautiful crib and Bill assembled it in no time. Bill and Kim's Dad painted an accent wall in the nursery...it's a beautiful blue color. They did a great job! We are going to use Bill's Grandparents' antique furniture and work on polishing up the old drawer handles to make them shine. We bought a choo choo train mobile and have already put it on the crib!

Here's a few pictures</a> of the work being done, along with a couple of shots of the belly.