Bill finally felt the baby kick! Last night (5/27) we were over at Kristin and Brian's house having a great BBQ dinner. The Wests made hamburgers, corn on the cob and chocolate chip muffins for dinner. The baby hadn't been moving much all day since we were on the go, shopping for cribs and pull-out couches. So after dinner, the girls were chatting and the boys were playing Star Wars on the XBox...when all of a sudden Baby O started to kick REALLY hard! I just had to interrupt Bill's video game and told him I had never felt kicks this strong. I showed him exactly where to put his hand (for the first time the kicking was coming from my right side) and a few seconds later, BAM! The baby kicked his Daddy's hand! Bill was very excited and yelled, "WO!" with a big smile on his face. :-) He felt a couple of more kicks but that's all Baby O was willing to give. Does this mean our baby likes beef, starch and sugar? Mmmmmmm.

We have officially started our shopping spree for Baby O. We walked into a baby furniture store yesterday completely overwhelmed as rookie parents, not knowing what in the world we needed or wanted. I think we both had some butterflies in our stomachs! But we met a very nice, non-pushy saleswoman who guided us through the crib and furniture buying process and we walked out of there with at least "a clue."

We've made progress in the nursery by at least deciding on the theme of TRAINS. Since Bill loves trains so much, it only makes sense that his son might, too. Big Mama (that's Carol!) has already bought a really cool puzzle for us that once you put all the pieces together, the puzzle goes CHOOOO CHOOOOO! It's really cute. So we're also on the hunt for all things trains.

We have been daydreaming about what Baby O is going to look like and we know two things:

1. The baby will have big thighs.
2. The baby will have pale, white skin (and will probably only be able to come out at night).

We're hoping the baby gets Bill's blue eyes, perfect ears and passion for reading books; and Kim's thick hair, thick nails and no-cavity teeth. :-)