Kim is now seeing the Baby Doc every two weeks. Today she was told that everything is PERFECT! The baby is growing well and is in the correct position for birth. His heart rate was 147 today as he was very active for the nurse who took the rate! To Kim's surprise, she has only gained 26 pounds total. Not bad! Yes, Kim WILL take that extra scoop of ice cream, please!

Kim's only complaints are swelling feet and hands, feeling hot all the time, sore belly (the Doc says it will be sore from now on as baby grows and grows!), constant need to go to the bathroom (she's up at least four times a night) and complete exhaustion. Kim is having trouble getting up and motivated in the morning to go to the office and is coming home in the evenings and immediately taking a nap in bed. Kim is planning on taking maternity leave at the end of August. She has agreed to work on one last project and once that is done, she will be free to begin nesting!

Bill is being a very understanding and patient husband. He has done very thoughtful things for Kim, like bringing her an ice pad for her swelling, achy, hot feet, making her dinner, listening to her rants when she's hormonal (and not ranting back!), eating ice cream with her and just being as supportive as possible. He is really looking forward to meeting Baby O. Bill will watch him squirm around in the belly and is amazed that there's actually somebody in there!

Baby O seems to be sleeping at night. Kim has not been awakened by any random kicks or movements, so we're hoping this translates into a baby who sleeps through the night!

Kim had her big baby shower this weekend that was given to her Mother and her friend Mary McDonald. It was a wonderful party! About 28 people attended and everyone had a great time. Mom and Mary did an amazing job putting the party together and it was so incredible to have all the people who love you in one place at one time. It was very overwhelming. We are so grateful to everyone for everything that was done for Baby O. He's not even here yet and already so many people love him!

Kim continues the clumbsiness and forgetfulness! Things are dropping out of cupboards and breaking now...and also Kim left the oven on for about 24 hours after cooking some pizza! Nice! Corn on the cob is being dropped on the floor for dogs to fight over, shirts are getting food and drink spilled on them at every meal and conversations are being completely forgotten. Hopefully this will end once the baby arrives!