We just got back from our 38 week Doctor's appointment and Dr. Garcia said that we are dilated 2cm and that Baby O has dropped! Baby's heart rate was taken and it was 145 beats per minute...the nurse laughed and said he was goin' to town in there! The Doc said that he would not let us go past our due date (Sept 30) and decided to "stir things up" inside. We'll spare you the details, but Doc says that we should be meeting him at the hospital between 24 and 48 hours (if the plan goes well...and we love it when a plan comes together!)! Kim has printed out phone numbers and E-mails and everyone will be notified when Baby O makes his arrival. Soon EVERYONE will know his name! If he doesn't come as planned, then we will be induced sometime late next week.

Kim is very uncomfortable at this point. Her feet are very swollen and sore and her back is achy. She is having difficulty walking as well. But it is all worth it to see that little foot go from one side of the belly to the other! We will miss seeing the little guy move around in his little home, but we are more excited to meet our son in person. We can't wait to hold him and kiss his little cheeks!

Bill is aware of his three jobs that he will have in the hospital. His jobs are:

1. Follow the baby wherever he goes;
2. Call and E-mail friends and family of the arrival;
3. STEAL all the cool hospital baby stuff he can!

Oh yeah, he also has to comfort Kim and be at her beckon call, but that's a given. :-)

So for now, we are just on pins and needles, awaiting a contraction or a breaking of the water.

Baby O is on his way!