Well, we were just told that we are 1cm dilated and Baby O could be here anytime! So now it is just a waiting game. Our guess is as good as yours as to when our little one will arrive!

The Doctor also said that Baby O probably weighs between 7 and 7.5 pounds right now. We were told that we have a "big pumpkin" in there! As you can imagine, Kim is a "bit" nervous, thinking about what the delivery will be like if we actually make it to our due date (Sept 30)! She is wanting this baby out ASAP! Get him out while he's still small!

Baby O's heart rate is in the 130's and very strong. He's been his usual active self, pushing and kicking around in there. He is certainly ALL BOY. He is very quiet at night while we're sleeping, so hopefully this will translate into a baby that sleeps through the night! He is very slow to awake in the morning (like his Daddy), but gets goin' around 11am, right before lunch. He'll settle down after lunch, then starts kicking around 2pm, then around 5pm. His most active time is around 9:30 at night...you can almost time it! Then he will settle down for the night and it all starts again the next day.

It won't be long now!