Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Riley celebrated his very first Thanksgiving! We spent the morning with Grandma and Grandpa Munn and Riley watched his first Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. He was VERY excited when he saw Santa at the end of the parade! Riley can't wait for Christmas because he knows that his Grandma Munn will spoil him with TONS of gifts! We watched the parade while eating Dunkin Donuts...a tradition Kim and her family have shared since childhood (when her family lived in Toronto in the 80's, they would drive to Buffalo for Thanksgiving and meet Grandma Hadsell at her house in the morning for Dunkin Donuts and the parade...they'd always watch it on her little black and white TV in the kitchen!). We stayed at Grandma and Grandpa's for a few hours, then it was off to Bill's family's house where Patsy and Tom made an AMAZING Thanksgiving dinner! We enjoyed turkey, Patsy's special mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, biscuits and stuffing. Everything was soooo good and we were STUFFED by the end of the meal! Sammy and Tommy enjoyed playing with Riley, too. Riley watched those two like a hawk, wishing he was a bit older so he could participate in the games they were playing. It won't be long now! He'll be running around and getting into things before we know it.

We posted some pictures!</a>