I finally have time to sit down and write a bit about "Life With Riley." Today he is six weeks old! They don't lie when they say they grow up so fast! The past six weeks have been both trying and rewarding. The first few weeks were a lot of guess work...trying to figure out what Riley's cries meant and what he wanted. I think we're now pretty good with knowing when he wants to eat, when he is overtired, when he wants to be changed, when he wants his pacifier and when he just wants to be left alone. How stressful though to figure this stuff out, especially at 3 in the morning! YIKES! At first we couldn't stand the sound of him crying! We felt so guilty if there were tears! Now we realize that he's just trying to communicate with us in the only way he knows how.

Indy has really taken to Riley. He protects him and will run for one of us when Riley is crying. Of course there are times when Indy wants the attention focused on him and will butt his cold nose in between us and Riley though! He will kiss Riley and is usually very gentle. And Riley doesn't mind Indy's barks or howls at all!

Riley has kept his golden locks and actually his hair is growing longer! He may need a haircut in the next few months!

The Doctor says that Riley is the "most proportional baby in the history of the United States." Riley is in the 49th percentile in everything...weight, height and head size. They say our baby is very "average."

Riley is beginning to socially smile. His favorite time of the day is the crack of dawn! Once that light comes through his bedroom window, he's up...kicking, punching and smiling like crazy. He will wait for us to come and get him out of his crib. Once we do, he will stare at us and smile and coo. He recognizes his Mama and Dada! He will sometimes sleep five hours through the night and boy are we excited about that!

Poor Bill has been peed, puked and pooped on. Kim has been a little more lucky and hasn't been pooped on (yet!). :-) Yesterday afternoon we had to give Riley a bath because as Bill was changing a poopy diaper, Riley shot a stream of pee into the air that landed in his own hair! Boy can he get the stream high into the air! It's got to be some kind of record!

Riley enjoys his swing but loves his jungle activity mat the most. He is beginning to bat and swipe at the hanging animals! He'll kick and punch and really goes to town on that mat!

We are starting to get a hang of this parenting thing and we are loving every minute of it (I'm even enjoying the early morning feedings because it's quality time with Riley). It is such a joy to wake up every morning to see what Riley will do that day. It seems like he does something new every day...and we swear that he looks different every day!

We continue to post pictures of Riley</a> on a regular basis.