We are starting to work on "Tummy Time!" </a>At our two-month checkup, the Doctor said that Riley's neck muscles are really getting strong and that we should start putting him face down on the floor so that he can begin to learn how to raise his head up. Unfortunately, Riley prefers to lay on the floor like a slug and suck on his hand! We've even put a musical toy in front of him so that he would maybe want to look at it. NOPE. He just lays there and sucks. Hopefully over the next few weeks he'll begin to move that big noggin of his (which, by the way, the Doctor says is big! He takes after his Grandpa Munn with the big head!). In the words of Mike Meyers, "It's like an orange on a toothpick!"

Riley now weighs 12 pounds, 12 ounces and is 23 inches long. He is in the 67th percentile for weight and head size and 44th for height. He's eating 6 ounces about every three hours and 5 or 6 times a day. Riley has been sleeping through the night consistently for the past week. He'll go to bed between 9 and 11pm and get up by 7:30am. Sometimes during the night he will wake up and play by himself (kicking, cooing), but has been able to put himself back to sleep. It's been so nice to be able to get a good night's sleep! We are VERY VERY lucky parents. I'm sure one day we will pay for it though when we can't get Riley out of bed to catch the school bus!

Poor Riley is probably the most photographed child in the history of the United States.