We took Riley to visit with Santa in the mall for the first time tonight. Holy smokes...the line was long and we waited an hour and 15 minutes to see the fat man himself! But it was worth every second of waiting. Bill took Riley right up to Santa, sat him on his lap and Riley didn't make a peep. He just sat there, hanging out with Santa, waiting for the elves to snap the picture! We are pretty sure that Riley had a good time and enjoyed his first encounter with Santa. We're not sure what Riley asked Santa for for Christmas, but we're sure it has something to do with that "crinkly" stuff and toys that make noises.

We dressed Riley in a white oxford shirt, his beige cordouroys and his choo choo train Robees. He looked mighty snazzy...like a little business man, ready to make some serious toy deals with Santa.

Afterwards, we hung out in the food court with Grandma and Grandpa Munn (who joined us for the picture taking) and chowed down on some cheap fast food.

Check out the picture!</a>