Guess what we found? There's a WHITE DOT on Riley's bottom gum line! Yup...Riley's cutting his first tooth! The poor little man is in some pain, too. He's been crying a lot and has been really crabby. He has learned how to push his bottle away when he doesn't want anymore to eat and he's been doing that lately since his appetite has been affected by his teething. Riley is drooling a river, too. The sides of his cheeks have been really chapped because of the constant moisture running down his face! He's been running on and off fevers as well...all these are the classic signs of teething! We're lucky so far because his nighttime sleep hasn't been affected (thank goodness!). We've learned that there is no time schedule for that pesky tooth to poke through, so we could be going through all this for several months. Yikes!

Riley is getting better everyday with his tummy time. He can actually lay on his belly for a few minutes now without screaming bloody murder! Hip Hip Hooray!

We just assembled Riley's high chair today and let him sit in it for the first time. He looks so funny in it! He's so tiny and the chair just swallows his little 15 pound body up like a venus fly trap. Riley's Doctor says that we might be able to start feeding him some rice in the next month or so...and there's no time like the present! He's been really interested in watching us eat lately and today he actually reached for some peanuts that Grandma was eating! Riley wants food! It will be really cool to have Riley sit with us at the table during a meal.

Riley and Kim took a field trip to a Level 1 Gymboree class and had a great time! Riley loved the songs, the exercise and the company. He sure enjoyed watching the other children play!

Riley has a crush on Rachael Ray! He loves her show and will stop what he's doing to check her out (he's just like his Dada, who likes her too!)! He really enjoys watching her...he's already a ladies man!

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