Riley welcomed 2008 with Mama, Dada, Aunt Patsy, Uncle Tom and cousin Tommy. He almost made it to midnight, but crashed by 11:30pm! We know that this year Riley will learn so many things...and we are looking forward to being a part of it all.

We are working on "Tummy Time" these days and Riley is finally holding his big, giant head up. He does seem to have an overly large noggin! We're having trouble getting his shirts on over his head even! He doesn't like tummy time so much. He'll struggle to hold his head up, look around, then drops down after about a minute. Then he will lay on the floor and cry until someone picks him up and rescues him from Tummy Time Torture.

Riley is enjoying holding himself up! He can sit up when supported and hold his own head up. He's getting very strong! He's been sitting in his Bebe Pod a lot, and that helps him to learn how to sit. He'll be sitting on his own in no time.

He's also babbling, babbling, babbling! He talks all the time! We're not sure if he's really trying to say something or just testing his own voice out. He smiles at anyone and everyone...he is a very sociable young man!

We took him to get his first professional portrait done yesterday and boy...once he got used to the spotlight, he became a ham! He smiled and cooed and had a grand 'ol time, kicking his legs and flailing his arms. He impressed us all! We ended up spending a bit more than we would have liked, but we got suckered in by those big blue eyes and coy boy smile. How could we say no?

Mama and Riley are headed to Gymboree for the first time tomorrow. We're anxious to see how it goes! We're looking forward to some fun playtime together.

Here are some new pictures</a>!