Maizie Juhls (and her Mom, Amy) came over today to play with Riley (while the Moms drank coffee and ate like pigs!). The two kids got along just great! Maizie was born about 24 hours after Riley, so they are close in age and doing the same things...although Maizie is only about 13 pounds and Riley is a whopping 18! We sat them together and let them look at each other and play. Riley flailed his arms and was very excited to have such a pretty lady sitting next to him. Maizie was very taken with our little "Ladies Man" and started crawling all over him. She couldn't resist his boyish charm! She went right for Riley's toes and tried to get them in her mouth! It was the cutest thing! Then she actually attempted to hug him.

They definitely enjoyed each other's company and shared each other's toys (like they had a choice!). Maizie enjoyed Riley's swing so much that she fell asleep in it. They sure were taken with each other and couldn't take their eyes off of one another when they were saying good-bye.

Here are some pics of Riley's first hook up</a>. :-) His Daddy is proud!