Riley hit the six-month mark on the first of April. That means he's only six months away from eating CAKE for the first time! Yeah, Riley!

Kim took Riley to his six-month checkup this week and all is well with our little boy. Riley weighs 20 pounds and is 28 inches long. He's in the 51st percentile for his length (pretty much average), 86th percentile for his weight (he's a little overweight) and the 91st percentile for the size of his GIANT NOGGIN! He had a couple round of shots and did very well with them. He did howl when they went into his thigh, but he calmed down after a minute or two.

While we waited for Doctor Jina to come check him out, Riley turned ALL BOY and began destroying the examining room</a>! He tore that paper on the examining table up! He kicked it, punched it, ripped it and ate it...and laughed the whole way through! He's a little devil. He will lure you in with that cute, round face and cheeks...deep, blue eyes and wavy blonde hair...then he'll GET YOU! :-)

Riley is now in the solid-eating world. So far he likes everything except those green beans! Our first round of fruits was applesauce and he seemed to be very cautious when eating it. He'll be drinking 32 ounces of formula a day, along with rice/oatmeal/mixed grain cereals, a fruit and a veggie.

We are working on getting Riley to nap. He is NOT a napper. He may sleep for a half hour or hour at a time during the day. He'll nap in the mid-morning, then stay wide-awake for the rest of the day. We have been told to put him in his crib and leave him in there, hopefully teaching him that it's time to sleep. He continues to sleep through the night from 9pm until 8:30am.

All Riley does is TALK, TALK, TALK! We swear he said, "baba" the other day (referring to his bottle) and he is on the verge of saying "dada" (Kim keeps working on "mama!"). Does he "know" what he is saying? Probably not!

He hasn't cut his teeth yet but he is drooling like crazy. If Georgia is still in a drought, they can come ring water out of Riley's t-shirts and fill Lake Lanier!

Kim had to cut Riley's hair the other day. six months, his bangs were hanging in his face! Now he looks like a little boy! He's not our "baby" anymore. :-(

Riley and Kim are headed to Buffalo this month to introduce Riley to his family, especially his Great Grandma Munn. It will be great for her to finally meet him!