It's amazing how fast Riley is growing. Every parent tells you to enjoy these days because they go by so fast. They're really not kidding! Our little man already weighs 20 pounds! He doesn't even look like a baby anymore...he looks like a toddler! People are very surprised when we tell them he's only going to be six months old. We think he's going to have a great career in football as a linebacker. :-)

Riley is rolling over from his back to his belly easily. But once he's on his belly, he can't get back over! So he will lay there and scream until you come rescue him. Unfortunately, this is happening in the middle of the night, so we are awakened by screams of terror at all hours. It really startles you when you're in a deep sleep and then out of the blue..."WAAAA!" It's crazy how fast you can get up out of bed, down the hall and into his room to check on him. You'd think we were superhuman by the speed that we run in there. Hopefully he will master the skill of rolling back over soon.

Kim was at her parents house the other day and we were prodding Riley to say different words..."mama, dada, Indy, Riley, baba..." and then all of a sudden, he blurts out "Baba." Well, we almost fell to the floor when we heard that! Whether or not he meant it, we'll never know. Maybe he just got lucky with his mumbles that day...but we heard what we heard and as far as we're concerned, "Baba" is his first word. For those who don't know what "Baba" means, it's a baby "bottle."

Riley celebrated his first Easter</a>! The Easter Bunny brought him a basket filled with eggs that contained quarters to put into his piggy bank for his college fund! He also got a boat for the bath tub, some veggies and some new pacifiers. At Grandma and Grandpa's house, he participated in his very first Easter Egg hunt! He did very well and found two eggs - one was in a plant and the other in a bunch of bananas. Go Riley!

We're trying to coax Riley into crawling, but it's taking some effort. Since he hates being on his belly anyway, trying to get him to actually move is tough! The other night, Kim put Riley on the floor</a> and put his baba in front of him, hoping he would try to crawl to it and grab it. No luck. He just laid there and hollered until we picked him up. We'll keep trying to bait him with various objects until we figure out what will make him move.

No teeth yet...but there's plenty of drool for everyone to share.

Riley will be six months old on Tuesday. Hard to believe! He'll have his six month checkup on Wednesday when he'll receive yet another round of shots. :-( Poor kid. We're thinking that the Doctor will put him on a new eating schedule where he'll get some fruit, veggies, cereal, juice and maybe even be able to eat some kind of cookie. He's been testing out veggies and so far he likes everything except green beans.</a> He'll eat them, but he's not happy about it.