Kim and Riley traveled to Buffalo to meet Riley's family and friends (April 15-25). We drove up with Grandma and Grandpa took about 15 hours! We left on a Wednesday afternoon and got into town on Thursday evening, just in time to introduce Riley to Santora's Pizza! Unfortunately, Riley couldn't taste the AWESOMENESS of an authentic pizza sub. He'll have to wait a few years for that!

Riley got to meet his Great Grandma Munn for the first time. Great Grandma couldn't see him very well, but she sure could feel his fat little thighs and arms! She also stroked his hair and could feel how long it is. She held him, too...and he talked her ear off the whole time! He had a lot of things to tell her about his trip. He also sucked on an apple at Great Grandma's house! She was very happy that he took her up on her offer to eat something. Riley made it to Great Grandma's famous lunch table, too! While we sat around eating our chicken finger subs, Riley hung out and banged his hands on the table and played with the paper the subs were wrapped in.

Riley got to meet lots of people in Buffalo and had a great time with every one of them. We stayed with Julie Curtiss and boy was he spoiled there! One night Riley fell asleep at 9pm and Julie wanted to hold he slept in her arms for two and a half hours! Riley tasted Anderson's custard and like the sweet tooth he's becoming, wanted MORE!

We sure did have a good time meeting everyone but unfortunately, Riley came down with his first ear infection and the last few days of our trip were spent worrying about him. We did get him back in time to see a doctor before they closed for the he got the antibiotic he needed to get well.

We both missed Dada very much and called him every day.

Kim took lots of pictures (of course) on the trip. Click here!</a>