It's true! Riley's got two new bottom teeth! The poor kid has been drooling like a maniac. His shirts are always soaking wet and he is getting rash after rash underneath his chin. The old wives tale tells us to put corn starch on his neck, but we have yet to try it.

Now, Riley is putting those teeth to use by biting his spoon and any toy he can get his hands on. And boy those little suckers are SHARP! The Doctor says he can eat biscuits in about a month. He'll love those for sure! It won't be long before Cheerios are included in the list of things he can eat. How much fun will that be? We can't wait!

He looks so cute with those little white teeth sticking out! But it also means he's going to be a "big boy" soon! We can't believe how fast this kid is growing. He's already 22 pounds and is only 7 and a half months old. Every morning Bill wakes up, heads to Riley's crib and says the same thing - "He looks more and more like a little boy every day." We better start putting more money in that college fund. The day he leaves is just around the corner!

Click here</a> to see Riley's teeth.