The three of us went to Zoo Atlanta today. It was Riley's first time at the zoo! At 8 months old, he sure didn't understand (or care!) much about the animals...but we still had a good time with him. We pushed him around in the stroller for about three hours, visiting each exhibit in hot, Atlanta heat, hoping his eyes would catch one of the animals and he would "get it." Riley did scope out a family of gorillas, a big elephant and some squawking birds, but that was about it. Most of the time he just chilled out in his stroller, sucking away on his pacifier and watching the other kids run by.

Bill took Riley to his first petting zoo! Riley touched a goat and a sheep. He actually reached out for them and stroked their backs, smiling and drooling on the poor animals the whole time! The O'Neill boys chased down a pig to try and pet him, but the pig would have nothing of it. He was too busy looking for food to be pet.

By the end of the visit, Riley was sweaty, stinky and exhausted. He passed out and we took him home for a nap.

We took a bunch of pictures (as usual!). Click here!</a>