Holy smokes. We didn't think a kid could scream that loud or turn that purple.

We took Riley to Kids Kuts in Marietta for his very first haircut today. Instead of a chair, Riley got to sit in a cool red race car with a steering wheel that he could actually turn! Ms. Monique draped the apron over Riley, buttoned it up and we were ready to go! Kim took videos and pictures while Bill got the dreadful task of holding Riley in place. Riley was having a great time, steering the car and looking around...UNTIL...Ms. Monique tried to hold his head in place! He started to whimper...then whine...then he began to holler! You could almost hear him saying, "Let me go!"

Ms. Monique was so patient with Riley as he began to scream. She continued to maneuver around his head, chopping his golden baby locks off as best she could. Meanwhile, Riley's entire body went stiff as a board as he held his breath and turned his angry little face a deep shade of purple. We couldn't help but laugh a little as our little man showed off his Irish Temper!

Bill did a great job of holding Ragin' Riley down so Ms. Monique could finish the cut. We tried to console him by giving him some car keys. That didn't work. We tried singing, "Take Me Out To The Ballgame" to him. That didn't work. The only thing that worked was finishing the job and getting him out of that car!

Once the job was done, Riley was miraculously OK! You would have thought he had survived a life-threatening experience!

Kim collected as much of Riley's hair from the floor as she could, stuffed it in an envelope and sealed it up. We'll put it in his baby book for safe keeping. A certificate of achievement was presented to Riley and we were off. As soon as the little guy was strapped into his car seat, he was out.

In the end, Riley looks fantastic! However, he doesn't look like our little "baby" anymore. He's a real, live "boy." He's growing up before our eyes!

Click here</a> for pictures.