Riley's top two teeth are coming in and boy is he miserable! At times he'll refuse to eat and sometimes he'll just snap into a fit of anger because he's in so much pain. He's biting everything, including the high chair tray, Mama's finger and he REFUSES to let go of his best friend - his pacifier (or according to Riley, his "neigh neigh")! He bites the heck out of that thing! And if he's not biting the pacifier nipple, he's biting the plastic sides of it. He has to have something in his mouth at all times and the only relief we can give him is by frozen teethers and Tylenol (tight parental hugs don't work!).

Oh...and the constant whining is driving us nuts. :-) Nothing like being a first time parent! No one warned us this would happen!

Hopefully this stage will be over soon and those teeth will grow in!

Kim got some close-ups</a> of the growing teeth.