Kim and Riley met Uncle Kevin, Aunt Jenn and Jenn's "kids," Marlie and Ryan (Jenn is their Nanny) at the park this afternoon. Marlie is only a few weeks younger than Riley and Kevin has been trying to "hook them up" for a while now. So we got the kids together and boy did they hit it off! They stared at each other, reached for each other...and then Marlie made her move! She batted her eyelashes, puckered up and leaned in for a kiss! Riley, being the strong and silent type, sat back and let her take advantage of him. It was Riley's First Kiss! Uncle Kevin was there to capture the moment on film and told everyone that he was "very proud" of his suave little nephew.

It looks like Riley already knows how to work the women. He lets THEM chase HIM!

Click here</a> to view the special moment!