Aunt Patsy, Uncle Tom, Tommy and Grandpa Munn came over for a Fourth of July BBQ! Bill and Tom worked on the Bubba Burgers while Kim and Patsy drank beer in the kitchen (nice role reversal, eh?). The burgers were soooo good and so was Patsy's pasta salad. We couldn't get enough of either! Yum!

After dinner, we all hopped in the Jasinski Mobile and headed to the 9:30 fireworks show at Roswell High School. We scoped out a great location just a few yards away from "Banks and Shane," who were playing some great southern/country music. This was Patsy and Tom's first experience at a "country" show like this and they were a bit culture-shocked! They didn't quite know how to react to the twang in the band's voices or the people getting up to line dance!

The adults relaxed and drank beer (secretly) in portable chairs while Riley and Tommy played on a blanket we spread out for them. Riley LOVED the music and was bouncing up and down to the beat.

The fireworks began around 9:30 and were accompanied by some great "American music." We were anxious to see how Riley would react to his first fireworks show. Kim brought a bottle to distract Riley just in case he screamed bloody murder. Much to our surprise...Riley LOVED the fireworks show! When he heard that first bang he shook with pure adrenaline and excitement! He couldn't keep his eyes off the sky! Kim and Bill took turns holding Riley, pointing to the "lights" (he LOVES lights) and taking pictures of his reactions. Riley didn't blink but once or twice during the 30 minute show. His eyes were glued to the show...he didn't want to miss one second!

When the show was over, we put him in his stroller, gave him his bottle and he was unconscious by the time we pulled into the driveway at home. It was like carrying a sack of wet potatoes into the house. We couldn't even get him in his he slept in his American Flag t-shirt, diaper and a pair of pajama bottoms.

After we put Riley to bed, we had our own Sparkler Show in the street. Tommy absolutely loved running around with a sparkler in his hand...and so did his Uncle Bill!

A great time was had by all. It was definitely the best 4th ever. Bill said, "It's amazing how much better the 4th of July is when there are kids around." All together now..."Awwwww."

Here's some here.</a>