Riley had his 9 month checkup appointment with the pediatrician and its confirmed that he is a BIG BOY. Riley is now a whopping 24 pounds. He is in the 87th percentile for height; 92nd for weight and 97th for his big noggin. The Doc said he is doing great and has given him the go-ahead to start "people food."

So far we have found that Riley likes cheese and crackers, Cheerios, yogurt, stars, graham crackers, watermelon, blueberry muffin, jello and as of yesterday, hot dogs and peas. But his absolute favorite "people food" is COOL WHIP. He eats the h*** out of that stuff! Kim took a video of Riley enjoying "the pleasure of a pea." Click here.</a>

Riley began crawling forward yesterday, July 10th. We are very excited that he is becoming mobile, but very nervous that he'll get into everything! We have yet to baby-proof the house...guess we better get to it! We've been trying to teach him to crawl for a few weeks now by taunting him with items he wants. Kim has put her glasses (a favorite that Riley likes to grab!) on the floor; we've put his favorite toys just out of reach and we've tried pushing him, too. But finally, last night, he dug his little toes into the carpet and began pushing himself forward, reaching and pulling with his tiny fingers. We clapped and cheered...and there may have been a few Mommy Tears in there as well. :-) Click here</a> for the video.

Our little boy is growing up fast!