Bill and I were just talking last night about how we still can't believe we have a son.

It's hard to believe that a full year has passed and we now have a one-year old child. This year has gone by so fast...they're not kidding when they tell you to enjoy each moment. It feels like we just brought Riley home from the hospital yesterday, but then again it feels like he's been with us forever. We can't remember what life was like without him, nor do we want to.

This has been a year of laughter and tears. I can't tell you how many times we have laughed at our little guy. He certainly has a sense of humor already! He was in trouble the other day for dropping food off of his high both Bill and I were talking sternly with him, giving him the evil eye and telling him "no." Riley started dancing to break the tension and all we could do was laugh! And we've had our share of tears this past year with sleepless nights and endless baby cries. Sometimes we thought it would never end! Having a new baby around the house was so tough at times, but we got through it all together as a family.

This has been a year of unknowns. In the beginning we didn't know what cry meant what or how much to feed him or what to do about a diaper rash. After a year of trial and error, Bill and I finally think we are close to experts on what Riley's needs and wants are...although we're sure there's much more to learn about our little boy and there will be new unknowns in the years to come.

And this has been a year of learning about unconditional love. We never knew how much you can actually love another human being. Our hearts are so full of love for our son and there is nothing that could ever change that. It's amazing. Just when you think you can't possibly love someone anymore than you already find even more love, hidden away in the corner of your heart. And no matter what this kid does to drive you nuts (throwing food to the dog from his high chair, throwing temper tantrums, etc), you could never, ever stop loving him.

Bill and I agree that we are very, very lucky. We have a wonderful, happy, healthy child who has already brought so much joy to our lives in just one year. We are looking forward to the next year and the years to come...watching Riley grow even more. In the next few months, Riley will surely take his first steps and we are very excited about that! And I'm sure that event will be videotaped and photographed like no other has been!

I put a video together to celebrate Riley's first year as an O'Neill. It was so much fun to put together. It really brought back some great memories of the past year. Click here</a> to watch and ENJOY!