At 13 months, Riley is starting to talk! He can already say a handful of words...maybe not perfectly, but good enough!

His first word was HAT. We have three hats in our hallway (they each belong to Bill's Dad, Kim's Dad and Kim's Grandfather). Riley points at them and says HAT.

When we go into his room in the mornings, Riley usually stands up in his crib and says UP. He knows how to use this word properly, as he does the same thing in his highchair when he's done eating. When he wants to get up, he says UP!

He can say CAR and points them out all the time, especially in a parking lot. His little finger will go nuts pointing at all the cars...and he'll say CAR, CAR, CAR.

He learned how to say BALL after he was given a bathtub basketball set for his first birthday. There's a hoop that suctions to the side of the tub and three basketballs. He'll swim all over the tub trying to get those balls saying, BALL, BALL.

When he wants a snack, he'll say ACK.

When he wants to read a book, he'll say OOK.

Riley will point at our dog, Indy and say, WOOF.

When you say, "Say Purple" he says, PO-PUL.

Our clock in the family room gong-ed two days ago at 5:30. He looked at the clock, pointed and said, CLOCK.

He calls his Grandpa, "PA."

He says MAMA and DADA and can point us out. He knows exactly who we are!

One of Riley's favorite things to do everyday is go to the mailbox to get the mail. He'll say OX and point to the mailbox when he wants to be taken down the driveway to get the mail. He hasn't mastered opening the box yet, but he sure enjoys it when there's mail in there! He gets very excited!

If you ask him what sound a snake makes, he'll say, SSSSSSSSS. If you ask him what a duck says, he'll say, "KACK."

A few weeks ago, I was changing Riley on his changing table and Indy was barking like a crazy dog. I looked at Riley and said, "That dog is a pain in the a**." Sure enough, what did Riley say right back to me??

He said A**.

We now have to watch EVERYTHING we say around our little boy.