It finally happened on Thursday, December 11th. At 14 months old, Riley took his first steps! Both Bill and Kim were there to enjoy the very special moment! We knew that he had been “thinking” about walking for a few weeks. He has been cruising around the furniture for awhile, but only recently starting letting go for a few seconds to try out his balance. So we got a few feet feet away from each other and tossed Riley’s blanket between the two of us. Sure enough, he chased the blanket by taking a few steps towards each of us. It was AMAZING. And the smile on his face was priceless. Riley was so proud of himself! He was laughing and Kim was crying…it was a moment we’ll never forget for sure.

Of course he’s by no means an expert walker at this point…he’s doing the “drunk walk” for now! It’s fun to watch him try his legs out. He laughs and has a great time while taking steps. It cracks us up!

He gets better and better every day. He’s taking more steps as the days go by…and soon he’ll be running around here like a crazy man. We know our world is about to change but we are looking forward to this stage in our life together (and looking forward to the much needed exercise!). Let the fun begin!

And…yes…there IS a video! ENJOY!

Riley Walks