We just had our 15 month checkup and the Doctor says Riley is PERFECT (I bet she says that to all her patients!). He weighed in at a whopping 27 pounds, 10 ounces. He's in the 85th percentile for weight, 84th for height and continues to top the charts in the 95th percentile for his GIANT HEAD. The Doc says he's very proportional! His heart sounds great, too. He had his chicken pox and MMR vaccinations too, and was unfortunately crabby for the next 24 hours. Kim was up with him ALL NIGHT that night as Riley just couldn't seem to shake the pain from the needles. Not even his paci that he's addicted to would calm him down!

Riley's shoes

We bought Riley is very first pair of shoes the day after Christmas. He's walking like a champ! He's finally figuring out what to do with his arms and doesn't always hold them up and close to his body. He's definitely on the verge of running! He has almost given up crawling altogether.

Riley can recognize the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 and can point out the letter O. He can also tell you which shape is a the circle...and then he actually says, "circle!" He's talking like CRAZY and will repeat just about anything you say. We think this kid is going to be very smart...probably smarter than we would like! He's already figured out that if he does something bad and we say "No," he'll stop what he's doing, turn to you and start clapping and yelling, "Yeeeaaaahhhh!" He thinks he is being "good" because he stopped doing the bad thing. He's something alright!