Today we took Riley to the Circus for the very first time. Tom got us tickets to the 11am Saturday showing of the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus at Phillips Arena...and got us into the Taco Mac suite! Bill, Kim and Riley met Tom, Patsy and Tommy in the box right before the show...and boy was it a cool place! It was perfect for our little man who wouldn't sit still - lots of places for him to run free.

Riley actually sat still for about the first 45 minutes of the show. He sat on Dada's lap and pointed out the elephants and horses. He REALLY enjoyed the dogs that came out to chase the frisbees! He kept pointing and say, "woof woof!" After a while we had to keep him  happy though by filling his face with goldfish crackers and wagon wheels. We packed a little lunch for him and he sat in the suite and ate it during intermission.

Riley also enjoyed the "Globe of Death" where the motorcycles raced around inside. He liked the revving of the engines! He had a great time with cousin Tommy, running up and down the aisle, poking him in the belly and stealing Tommy's shiny new souvenir (a light up Globe of Death) that Tom and Patsy bought for him. There were several times we thought for sure that we'd lose Riley's paci as he taunted us with throwing it over the edge of the suite window.

It was Tommy's first trip to the Circus as well...and boy did he enjoy it! You could see his little face light up when he liked something he saw. His eyes were glued to the show!

By the time the show was over, Riley was very ready to get home. Once his head hit his car seat, he was out like a light.

We took pictures! Click here.</a>