Riley is now 17 months old and talking, talking, talking! One of his favorite things to say (and our favorite to hear) is, "Oh No!"

If Riley falls down, he'll yell, "Oooh Nooo!"

If he drops something, you'll hear..."Oooh Nooo!"

If he sees something or someone on TV fall down or drop something, he'll say, "Oooh, Nooo!"

It really is very, very cute and we sure do enjoy hearing him say it.

If I could have a magic wand, I'd wave it over Riley and make time stand still for a while. He is absolutely adorable right now. He's learning how to talk...a lot! He repeats everything we say and is now starting to try and form sentences. He can say, "Fur Feet" and "Love You." Fur Feet comes from his new favorite bedtime book, "The Foot Book" by Dr. Seuss. Bill tells Riley that he has "fuzzy fur feet" when he's in his footy pajamas...and Riley will reach down, grab his feet and yell, "Fur Feet!" If you ask him his name, Riley will say "EYE-NEE." It's close! If you ask him what his dog's name is, he'll say, "INNY" which is usually followed by a hearty, "Woof Woof!" We have pictures of the family around the house and he knows exactly who is who. He knows "GA-PA" (and usually calls Grandma the same!), "CACA" (his cousin Collin), "SHAY-SHAY" (Aunt Jenny), "BINE" (Uncle Brian), "AMMY" (cousin Sammy), "KE-KIN" (Uncle Kevin), "OMMY" (cousin Tommy) and is working on Aunt Patsy and Uncle Tom too. He usually just calls Tom, "UNCLE" and can say it very clearly.

We're not sure if we have a genius on our hands (of course we'd like to THINK so!)...but Riley knows the alphabet! You can show him any letter (even Q) and he'll tell you what it is. He can also count to five and loves to count on our fingers (not HIS fingers...OURS!). He will randomly count things in the house. You'll just hear him counting..."UN...TWO...FEE...POOR...FIE" and then you realize he's actually counting something. One day he was counting and we looked up and sure enough, he was counting the picture frames on the wall!

He is becoming a little social butterfly, too. He loves going up to other kids and saying, "Hi." The other day he ran out into the cul de sac and said, "Girls! Hi!" to a couple of the neighborhood girls who were playing in front of the house. Unfortunately they are at that age where they want nothing to do with him and completely ignored the poor guy. I guess that was his first experience in getting rejected by a girl!

He is a BIG boy. He's probably bordering on 30 pounds and is just solid. I'm guessing the doctor will take him off of whole milk at our next appointment. This kid can EAT! When he's hungry, he'll eat, eat, eat. His favorite meal is definitely pizza, followed closely by chili. He loves cheese, waffles, bananas, apples, grilled cheese, yogurt, chicken nuggets, apple sauce and ANYTHING SWEET. Riley definitely has the "Munn Sweet Tooth" in him!

Riley has a generous heart. We're not sure how he got can't teach that stuff! He loves to share and give things to other people. On one occasion, baby Collin was laying on the floor and Riley walked up to him and gave him his beloved "Pat." Pat is Riley's lovey (a teddy bear blanket) that he carries around like Linus carries his blanket. We named it "Pat" because the thing is blue, but the bear has a flower in it's we're not sure if it's a girl or a boy! Remember the old SNL skit about "Pat?" Well...that's where it comes from. What kid gives up there lovey for another kid? We think Riley is going to have a big heart!

We can't believe he'll be 18 months in a few weeks. Where does the time go?

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