Bill has knocked Kim up! We are three months pregnant and counting! Baby O'Neill is due on September 30th, 2007 and we couldn't be more excited. We are just getting out of the dreaded first trimester and Kim couldn't be happier.

The first trimester was filled with much exhaustion and queasiness (but no morning sickness) and lots of stretching and cramping in the lower abdomen (baby was determined to make his/her home perfectly, and give Mommy some agony while doing it!). But all these feelings have passed and we are getting to the stage where we will soon enjoy the pregnancy.

There have been several different cravings for certain foods over the past three months, but the biggest was a few weeks ago when Kim smelled the Doritos that one of her friends were chowing down on. She was at the office and actually had to get in her car and drive to Subway to buy her own bag of Doritos!

We have had three ultrasounds thus far and it has been nothing but a pleasure to watch our baby grow in the womb. In fact, it's one of the coolest things we have ever seen! We are being considered "High Risk" because Kim will turn 35 the week before baby's due date. But we don't mind...the more ultrasounds we can have the better! We love watching Baby O'Neill in the belly!

There are many theories floating around as to the sex of Baby O. Many have said that because Kim doesn't "look so good," it's a boy (the mixture of testosterone and estrogen make a complexion bad). On the other hand, others have said that because Kim doesn't "look so good," it's a girl (the theory being she's stealing Kim's beauty). We have decided to find out what the sex is at our next ultrasound appointment in eight weeks, which will be sometime in May...and all questions will be answered!

Kim's Mom is unbelievably ecstatic about being a Grandma. She has already gone out and purchased a crib (with sheets and all), a stroller, a rocking chair and lots of books. She wants Baby O to be here NOW!

Kim is starting to show and is at the stage where she's wearing big sweatpants (it will be time for maternity clothes soon!)! Her belly is starting to get hard and take a round shape underneath the breast plate. If there's anyone out there looking to unload some maternity clothes and make some room in their closet, pick Kim, pick Kim! She will gladly take your unwanted maternity clothing!

We have posted some pictures on our website and will continue to do so over the course of the pregnancy.