We have officially said GOOD BYE to the first trimester blues and are now happily in our second trimester. At 15 weeks, Kim is getting her energy back and is starting to feel "normal" again.

We had a checkup at the OB/GYN today and Kim took her Mom and Dad along for the visit. The Grandparents were able to hear the baby's heartbeat! They were very excited as this technology was not readily available back in the "old days" when they were having children, so this was a new experience for them. The nurse said the heart rate was around the 150 range, which is very good. A baby's heartbeat should be between 125 and 170, so we're right in the middle. This of course gives us no hint as to what the sex could be!

The Doctor gave Kim a clean bill of health and said all looks great! Kim has gained seven pounds in 15 weeks (and this includes Easter candy!). The nurse said that her rule of thumb is to not gain as much weight as the week we are at. For example, when we are at 20 weeks, it's better if Kim has gained less than 20 pounds.

The nurse also said that our baby is VERY ACTIVE. The first time we heard the heartbeat, it was very clear. The second time (after the ecstatic Grandparents asked if they could hear it again), the heartbeat was in a different place and difficult to hear as the baby had moved around and switched positions! If this is a sign of things to come, we could be in for some long nights!

Our next appointment for an ultrasound will be sometime in early May. This is when we'll learn the sex of the baby. For the past few days, Kim has been feeling like it's a boy, since her face has been dotted with various sized pimples and blemishes.

Bill is returning from a trip to Colorado this evening, where he spent almost a week with his best friend, Bill Stearns. This was one of Bill's "last hurrahs" before the baby arrives! He had a great time, although he is suffering from sore leg syndrome after a grueling hike that Stearns initiated.