We will find out the sex of Baby O on May 17th! The ultrasound appointment has been set and all bets will need to be placed by midnight on May 16th.

We are at the end of four months and Kim is officially too big for her regular clothes. She has gone out and made the maternity clothes purchase! She is much more comfortable now. Whether or not she will buy a maternity bathing suit is up in the air. She's not sure she wants to show off her new weight and cottage cheese legs to strangers at the pool! The consensus is that Kim will be HOT HOT HOT (and cranky!) this summer as she continues to grow...so she may want to be a regular pool-goer afterall.

Kim's appetite continues to grow as well! Just ask Bill how much Kim has been stuffing in her face! We're trying to have a household of healthy food so that when she wants to snack, she can grab a carrot or piece of fruit.

Kim MAY have felt the baby move. There have been some "flutters" she's talked about, but nothing definite. This could or could not be the baby...she's not sure as this is the first time she's ever felt anything like it! Then again, she is a "Munn," so it could just be gas. :-)

Cravings this month include nacho-flavored Doritos, Grandma Munn's cutout cookies, red white and blue popsicles (Bomb Pops) and Lemonade (the Doctor says Kim needs to lay off the empty-caloried fruit drinks!). Kim has recently turned up her nose at shrimp...a food she is known to love.

Our biggest project now is moving rooms. We are turning our current computer room/office into the nursery and moving the computer room/office into the now obsolete guest room. The Grandparents and Kevin helped us move our queen bed and bedroom furniture out of the guest room and into the garage (the Grandparents have the bed "on loan" for a while). So now Bill is putting his touches on the new office by installing ethernet, cable and phone lines in the walls (he is very good at it!) and has installed a new ceiling fan. He sure is handy to have around the house! Once this part of the project has been completed, it will be time to start moving office furniture into the room...which leaves the nursery empty and ready to work on! We'll start shopping for nursery items next month (month #5).

We have posted a few more pictures of Fourth Month Activities</a>.