Baby O has finally made his/her presence felt. Kim is definitely feeling kicks now, and boy can this baby go to town (we may have a soccer player or field goal kicker on our hands)! The Doctor and Nurses both continue to say that Baby O is an "active" baby. They have trouble finding his/her heartbeat because he/she moves around so much!

Baby O will especially kick Kim when he/she is hungry. If Kim's stomach is growling, there's sure to be some "I wanna eat kicks" to follow. And they are just as strong after the meal is served! Sometimes the kicks feel like a pack of butterflies flying through the belly and othertimes they feel like little "flicks" from the inside.

Bill is desperately trying to feel baby's kicks, but we've had no luck yet. Either the kicks aren't strong enough yet or the baby quits kicking just as Bill puts his hand on Kim's belly. We're told he will be able to feel them within the next few weeks though. It won't be long now because it seems like time is flying anyway!

We will be at 20 weeks this weekend...we're halfway there!