The ultrasound confirms that Baby O is a BOY! We walked into the appointment yesterday and the first thing the nurse asked us was if we wanted to know the sex. We did not waver from our decision to we said yes. If we had said no, I don't know how the nurse would have hidden the news from was VERY obvious that the baby is a boy! BOOM...there "IT" was!

The Doctor said everything looks great and we have "one good looking baby" (he takes after his Daddy!). All the organs are functioning perfectly and his little heart is just a beatin' away in there. We even watched his little jaw move up and down as he swallowed amniotic fluid! He is doing everything he is supposed to. And he is already one full pound and is almost one foot long. He's growing up before our eyes!

The only "issue" is that right now he is breech. That means if he was born today, he'd come out butt first. So he has a few weeks to turn himself around in there so that he can enter the world head first. If he doesn't make the move on his own, the Doctor may have to turn him externally, and we hear this is pretty painful. If that doesn't work, he will be delivered by C-section. But we'll cross that bridge when we get there. Most babies turn themselves around in time. We'll just have to get Daddy to give him a "pep talk" and straighten him out!

Also, the placenta is at the front of the abdomen instead of the rear, which means the little guy is kicking into the placenta (kind of like a pillow). No worries...this only means that Bill can't feel him kick yet...but the Doctor said he'll probably be able to feel it in about a month, when the baby gets stronger and moves a bit. Poor Bill wants to feel those kicks so bad!

Indy is VERY excited to know that he will have a new "rough and tough" playmate soon. He'll have a little brother to eat dirt, worms and grass with in no time!

As far as names are concerned, we had a boy's name picked out but decided to go with something else. So we are currently in search of a new name. We have also made the decision to keep that decided name to ourselves until the baby is born. Sorry folks!

It's hard to believe that OUR SON will be here in the next four months. We are very anxious to meet him! September will be here soon!

There are a couple of pictures</a> from the ultrasound in the gallery.