Our Christmas was very busy! On Christmas Eve we headed out to Dallas to spend time with the Jasinski's. We had a quick roast beef sandwich dinner, then piled in the van to go hunt down some Christmas lights. We found a couple great houses, including one where the lights were flashing to music! Cool! We exchanged some gifts and had a wonderful evening together. It's been a long time since the whole family was together. It was actually Kim's first Christmas with Bill's family!

After our trip to the Jasinski's, we headed to Kim's parents house where Grandpa read "The Night Before Christmas" for the first time to Riley. This is a tradition that the Munns have had since Kim was a baby and we are now continuing it with our son.

How cool it was to wake up with Riley on Christmas Day! He was so happy to see us peek over the side of his crib in the morning. He gave us a BIG SMILE and a few kicks to say, "Merry Christmas, Mama and Dada!" Riley enjoyed watching all the gifts being opened and loved the sound of the crinkly Christmas paper being ripped. He was especially fascinated by all the colored lights on the tree!

Our Christmas Day started around 9:30am and didn't end until after midnight. Riley did very well trying to stay awake for all the festivities! We began by opening gifts at the O'Neill house. Santa gave Riley some rattles and some Desitin in his first stocking. Kim got MEAT in her stocking (you'll have to see the picture to understand!). We all got some great gifts. Bill made Kim a homemade digital picture frame...it's AMAZING! He really worked hard on it and it's beautiful. Riley got some clothes, a new gym and a Bebe Pod. The pod is the coolest thing...Riley can sit up on his own in this thing!

After our Christmas at home, we headed out to the Munn's for some more gifts! Riley was SPOILED by everyone! We had to buy a toy box just so we had a place to put his loot! Riley was passed from arms to arms as everyone wanted to get a chance to hold him. He had a GREAT time with everyone and was so happy all day long. He talked to and smiled for each person he was with. One of his favorite gifts was a big baseball that Uncle Kevin gave him. He grabbed that thing and wouldn't let go. Kevin has plans on making Riley the first professional athlete in the family! Then we had our usual Fondue for dinner and Brian won the contest for being the "first one off the island" (meaning he was the first to christen the bathroom).

Bill and I agree that this Christmas was our best ever. We can't wait until Riley actually knows what's going on...it will be so much fun in the years to come and we can't wait!

Here are some pictures!</a>